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Before and After-School Care at CRA

If your family is looking for safe and enriching care before and after school, you need to look no further than CCC. Our licensed program provides everything from engaging projects, enrichment specials, science, sports, cooking, gardening and technology skills to name a few, plus special events and field days, child-initiated discovery centers and play time – all conducted on CRA’s safe and desirable campus. No wonder children love us and we love them.

Before and After-School Care at CRA

How We Play

At CCC we understand that there are numerous benefits to play and numerous ways play. We encourage children to take healthy risks in their play and to create and collaborate with their peers. We encourage creativity and collaboration in play at CCC and incorporate loose parts and recycled objects.

Loose parts are objects that do not have a defined or “correct” way that they should be played with. With loose parts and recycled objects, children foster creativity by building imaginative structures, inventing new games, and other limitless possibilities. Through these child-initiated play styles, children develop skills such as collaboration, risk-assessment, and problem solving that they will utilize as they grow.

Loose parts also teach children a respect for the environment as they see that everyday objects have multiple functions and can be reused in creative ways. We also encourage staff-guided play and games, and offer many sports and group game experiences.

For more information on the benefits of play check out: and

Creative Reuse

At CCC, we strive to teach children about environmental awareness by utilizing upcycled materials in many of our projects. Children may also use low-tech maker space tools to imagine and build creative projects or solve engineering challenges from our recycled objects.


More Information

Before- and After-School Care Program 24-25


Fall 24-25 Registration Instructions
Registration closes August 2, 2024